Black Magick Protection Talisman Nail—Married


Grade AA Magical Iron Quality at its best! (Super Large Rare-Type) Only 1 As shown

Metaphysical Protection Nails. These are supposed to be installed in the home or business offices to defend against Psychic/Metaphysical Attacks and Spirit Intruders. This talisman will create a Magical Fence around the area it’s installed. The more nails installed the better the defense!

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Grade AA Magical Iron Quality at its best! (Super Large Rare-Type) Only 1 As shown

Black Magick Protection Talisman Nail. These are supposed to be installed in the home or business offices to defend against Psychic/Metaphysical Attacks and Spirit Intruders. This talisman will create a Magical Fence around the area it’s installed. The more nails installed the better the defense!

No Mantra or Rituals required, however, it’s advisable to anoint these magical items once a month on a Thursday night with Black Musk Oil. These items have been forged the same way Keris has and has been charged/empowered with magical energies. They are considered magical irons and contain a Khodamic spirit entity of high Spiritual class.

This particular type which has a figure of a face that is extremely rare and hard to find, it is considered very special amongst collectors of Magical Artefacts.

This particular type has extra magical virtues.

  • Wards of black magic & psychic Metaphysical attacks
  • Create a psychic Spiritual shield around the area it’s installed
  • Ward of demonic spirit entities, ghosts, and negative spirits.
  • Safeguard the home from negative forces, create positive Metaphysical energy to attract blessing & wealth.
  • Item contains a Khodamic Spirit Entity which will stand guard.
  • Can be installed anywhere, your home, apartment, business office/warehouse or even protecting your personal space such as your meditation room.

Quantity is limited to only 1 of this type as shown in the photo -this one is very unique and rare.

Once sold we are not able to acquire more. These were passed down to us by a collector who spent 20 years searching for such mystical items.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg