Prabu Ayam Wuruk Magickal Statue – Type 3E
Genie name is provided for this item.
Each of these statues has general virtues outlined below, but all are unique in their own ways, the genies of these statues are from different Magickal regional area around Indonesia.
Some of the genies will be stronger in certain areas then others. The items are being sold at much lower discounted price, however there quality is still very high for their price range.
1 in stock
Genie name is provided for this item.
Each of these statues has general virtues outlined below, but all are unique in their own ways, the genies of these statues are from different Magickal regional area around Indonesia.
Some of the genies will be stronger in certain areas then others. The items are being sold at much lower discounted price, however there quality is still very high for their price range.
The genies present in this object are more of a shamanic class and can assist both in ones magickal work and mundane matters. No mantra is required. The user only needs to call out the genies name during a ritual preparation in order to call forth its presence.
These items basically work on its own accord or can be directly commanded to carry out any particular task you require. Just anoint the statue ones a month to maintain its vibratory powers. This item can be installed anywhere. The Genie is versatile can be commended for anything one request.
General Magickal Virtues:
Attracts Luck, Prosperity & Wealth.
Improves Business, Trades/Sales
Improves Position at Work/Career Development
Improves your Relationship with Friends, Family and Even Enemies.
Safe Guards one Assets, Properties and Home from Thief, Intruders or Aggressors.
Safe Guards one Family if installed In the home, from Physical and Metaphysical Disturbance. Protects the house and all its inhabitants from magckal Attacks, Spells, Witchcrafts Etc.
Gives one power of Influence,
Gives one Authority presence
Attracts Sympathy, Increases Social Circle/Friendship
Improves Domestic Harmony & Relationship between Lovers.
Many more powers not mentioned here, through personal communication and building up the relationship the user will come to learn more!
Spiritual Statues & Effigies
These objects are normal Bronze or Brass Statues and Effigies, However what makes these special is that they have now been empowered and under-gone a Ritual Process of empowerment.
Empowered with Mystical Energies and Khodamic spirits. No Mantra or ritual is required to use these items they are designed to function on their own.However those who posses Psychic sensitivity will able to fully harness the Spiritual ancient energies of these items. The energy used to empower these objects comes from a Ancient Javanese Mystical Practice which is considered very high in its spiritual form but has now more or less been lost during the translation from Guru to Disciple. Our Team member who has a bloodline from the Royal Family of Majapahit Kingdom has processed these items. They are only available on our site and nowhere else on the internet or globally
To maintain its power level, its advisable to anoint the objects once a month with sandalwood or jasmine oils.
Some Objects will come with the name of the entity spirits whilst others may not. These were made at different times and at different locations within Indonesia by one Spiritual practitioner.
They have been empowered for blessing, attracting wealth and safe guarding the home they have been installed in. The Spiritual entities of these items go into hibernation till awaken. Its magical energies can easily be felt. They are safe to keep around children.
It is recommended to install these sacred objects in front reception area of the house, Meditation room or any prayer rooms. Likewise they can also be installed in Shops, Offices or Business.
Additional information
Weight | 1 kg |